Pour Over #1

Here’s my Thursday video! (New posts every Tue and Thur).

I used Counter Culture Rustico and set a grind at about 31/32 on my Gino Rossi RR45. Overall it was a good run. I was a little nervous since this is my first pour over video. My pre-infusion was sloppy and I could have gone about 30 secs more because my beans are about a week old. The goal of the pre-infusion is to get all the coffee evenly wet and to not let the water/coffee mix to flow out and over onto the edge of the filter. This will let the beans achieve its maximum potential.

Please leave comments and questions below! How could I have improved? Can’t wait to hear from everybody!

Music: Dive by Tycho

Camera: Canon 5D MII with Sigma 20mm 1.8
Canon T1i with 50mm 1.4


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